Lesson 5 Harmonization

Beginner (Stage 1)

Lesson 5 Harmonization

Lesson 5 Harmonization

Here you will find detailed information on harmonization, application and arrangement of the elements.


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Michael Danz

My name is Michael Danz. At a young age, I made a decision to dedicate several years of my life to the Bhakti Yoga tradition, in which I had found my vocation. Today, in my role as a coach and TimeWaver trainer, I love sharing and receiving spiritual knowledge and insights with others. I am especially inspired by supporting others on their transformative journey, helping them to heed and live their inner calling.

Since 2010, I have been a proud member of the TimeWaver team; TimeWaver has developed revolutionary technologies that work in harmony with cosmic energies to promote holistic wellbeing. Together we explore how consciousness is affecting our physical reality and guide people into a realm of higher existence where spirit and technology are converging in perfect harmony.

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