Wolfgang Blüml

April 3, 2024
10:00 am – 11:00 am CEST
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TimeWaver Pro
User Webinar


Free admission
What to expect in this webinar:
According to the ancient Indian Vedic wisdom scriptures, the human ego has different layers of consciousness and inner realization. Through targeted spiritual coaching, you can bring your client closer to these different levels and thus to their own purpose in life.
In the Vedic world view, identification with the body, the mind or the soul part is described. While body and mind represent the temporary aspects of material life, the soul part refers to the eternal consciousness of the living being, which is to be recognized and revived.
The TimeWaver coaching system offers numerous databases with spiritual content that can support you in achieving this goal. This webinar is particularly aimed at coaches and those interested in spirituality.
Webinar Contents:
- The meaning of the self from the point of view of Vedic philosophy
- Description of the different levels of identification of the self
- Spiritual coaching with self-created templates in the TimeWaver Energy Point Module
- Q&A
Wolfgang Blüml
Wolfgang Blüml has been working at TimeWaver since 2011; he is go-to person for international sales and user support. His main focus is gaining the customers’ trust, based on personal and people-oriented support. Wolfgang’s commitment and spiritual dedication are the basis for his efficient and competent work with and support of TimeWaver. He also enriches and inspires many TimeWaver users and prospects in presentation webinars, at trade fairs and at roadshow events.