Wellbeing in Your Mind – Salutogenesis with TimeWaver Pro

Wolfgang Blüml

April 20, 2023
10:00 am – 11:00 am CEST
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TimeWaver Pro
Webinar for interested people


Free admission
What to expect in this webinar:
Wellbeing starts in your mind! In this webinar, you will learn about Aaron Antonovsky’s concept of salutogenesis and how you can use it for greater coherence using the TimeWaver Coaching Module.
Salutogenesis emphasizes the importance of resources and capabilities to help people maintain or restore holistic wellbeing on all levels. The objective is to always take a positive approach and not focus on negative influences or problems. The issue is always about how you can improve your life and its circumstances.
Webinar Contents:
- A brief introduction to the concept of salutogenesis according to Aaron Antonovsky.
- Salutogenesis and coherence in the TimeWaver coaching application.
- Other practical applications: the spiritual and psychological levels.
- A presentation of the TimeWaver Coherence Module.
- Q&A
Wolfgang Blüml
Wolfgang Blüml has been working at TimeWaver since 2011; he is go-to person for international sales and user support. His main focus is gaining the customers’ trust, based on personal and people-oriented support. Wolfgang’s commitment and spiritual dedication are the basis for his efficient and competent work with and support of TimeWaver. He also enriches and inspires many TimeWaver users and prospects in presentation webinars, at trade fairs and at roadshow events.