The Self-Confident Me

Alexander Diehl | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Start your new life with more confidence and well-being. In this webinar, Alexander Diehl will show you how the TimeWaver systems can support you in achieving your feel-good figure.

Emotional Strength in the Information Field

Wolfgang Blüml | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Coherence describes a state of optimal balance between related parts of a whole. The TimeWaver Coherence Module is designed to support you in achieving coherence in all important areas of your life.

Understanding Money on Its Different Levels

Michael Danz | Live | English | Online | Free admission

This webinar is an ideal basis for understanding the topic of money from different angles of view. Learn more about the material, subtle and spiritual aspects of money.

Harmonizing the Energy Level with TimeWaver

Steffen Jüngling | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Although the energetic level of the human being is not visible to the naked eye, there are decisive factors and influences that determine our well-being. In this seminar, Steffen Jüngling explains how you can use TimeWaver Pro and Coaching to bring the imbalances on this level to light and bring them back into balance.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent for Everyday Life

Alexander Diehl | Live | English | Online | Free admission

In this webinar, Alexander Diehl explains the approaches, different methods and applications for holistic well-being in professional and private settings with TimeWaver Frequency and TimeWaver Frequency McMakin.

The New TimeWaver BIZ 2.0 Product Range

Steffen Jüngling | Live | English | Online | Free admission

TimeWaver BIZ 2.0 offers you a new and innovative product line, which includes the products TimeWaver BIZ Mobile, BIZ Pro, BIZ Premium and BIZ Platinum, specially designed to analyze hidden potentials related to marketing and SWOT analysis, investments or personnel issues in the Information Field.

Uncovering Hidden Patterns

Wolfgang Blüml | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Unwanted relationship patterns usually have hidden causes in the unconscious, which are difficult to identify using conventional approaches. The TimeWaver systems use the Information Field as a link between matter and mind to make invisible structures visible and thus break the cycle of repetitive loops.

Water – Globules – Information

Alexander Diehl | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Frequencies and information can be transferred to water and other carrier objects such as globules using the TimeWaver systems. By using TimeWaver Frequency and TimeWaver Pro to gain access to the Information Field as a field of interaction between spirit and matter, we can enrich carrier objects with information to increase the holistic well-being of people, animals and plants.

The Big Issues in Life

Michael Danz | Live | English | Online | Free admission

The TimeWaver is a powerful tool for obtaining answers to important life questions. The more clearly you define your goal and intention, the more effective the TimeWaver's answers will be for your personal development. By defining your focus more precisely, you can make the most of the TimeWaver's many functions.

The New RealTimeWaver

Wolfgang Blüml | Live | English | Online | Free admission

We often wonder what is behind certain events and cannot find an answer in the visible realm. For example, if a team is not working together smoothly, there may be countless reasons that are not accessible to us. The RealTimeWaver system offers the possibility to analyze and optimize the coherence of up to 1,500 people or other elements in the Information Field simultaneously and in real time.

Family Constellations in the Information Field

Steffen Jüngling | Live | English | Online | Free admission

The TimeWaver system offers you numerous application possibilities in areas such as personal development, life coaching or business optimization. With the GenoWave and TimeLine modules, you can delve deeper into the history of events and grasp and use the subject area of systemic constellation work on a new level.

TimeWaver BIZ Mobil

Johann Tesch | Live | English | Online | Free admission

In our ever-changing business world, strategic decision making is essential to achieve long-term success and sustainable growth. In this webinar, Johann Tesch as representative of the Institut Brand will show you how you can use the key benefits and capabilities of TimeWaver BIZ Mobile as a practical tool to make your decisions more accurate and future-oriented.

Holistic Wellbeing With Frequencies

Alexander Diehl | Live | English | Online | Free admission

In this webinar, Alexander Diehl will explain the approaches, methods and applications for holistic wellbeing with the TimeWaver Frequency system and the TimeWaver Frequency McMakin system.

The New TimeWaver BIZ 2.0

Michael Danz | Live | English | Online | Free admission

The new TimeWaver BIZ 2.0 offers numerous practical applications for business people and companies. As an entrepreneur, you can make more effective decisions and optimize your strategies with the help of extended functions and the contents of the new TimeWaver BIZ product range.

TimeWaver BIZ PRO

Johann Tesch | Live | English | Online | Free admission

In an increasingly dynamic and competitive business world, it is essential for companies to work efficiently and set clear goals while managers should be supported in the best possible way. In this webinar, Johann Tesch as representative of the Institut Brand will give you an insight into the groundbreaking technology of TimeWaver BIZ PRO and show you how you can use the system to optimize your company.

TimeWaver Frequency and McMakin: Application Strategies for Chronic Pain Patients

Alexander Diehl | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Chronic pain can significantly reduce quality of life and is a common phenomenon. Patients have often tried numerous therapies and given up hope of improvement. This is where the TimeWaver Frequency and McMakin systems come in, opening up a whole new perspective for both patients and users: Find out in this webinar how you can effectively and sustainably improve the well-being of chronic pain patients!

Releasing Blockages When Working With the Inner Child

Wolfgang Blüml | Live | English | Online | Free admission

We often ask ourselves why we do not make progress with persistent issues of personal development or trauma work. The solution may lie in our inner child or children. These can be described as personality traits that were frozen in childhood conflict situations. Our fears at that time can still influence our behavior and feelings today.

TimeWaver Frequency and TimeWaver McMakin: Potential Applications for Sleep Disorders

Alexander Diehl | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Chronic stress, professional worries, relationship problems: sleep disorders are one of the greatest challenges of our fast-paced society and can have many causes. TimeWaver works on the higher level of the Information Field and is designed to help resolve tension where it arises. In this webinar, Alexander Diehl will show you the great potential of the TimeWaver Frequency and McMakin systems and how you can improve your patients' sleep disorders in the long term.

TimeWaver BIZ Premium

Johann Tesch | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Successful business management is not only about key figures, strategies and physical resources - TimeWaver users are aware of the holistic interplay of mind and matter and can use and optimize this specifically for their business success. In this webinar Johann Tesch as representative of the Institut Brand will introduce you to the TimeWaver BIZ Premium system and show you the future-oriented potential for holistic business management.

Greater Wellbeing through Coherence

Steffen Jüngling | Live | English | Online | Free admission

What is the state of a person's well-being? And what invisible factors influence their overall condition? Which parts are not connected to the whole system? The TimeWaver Coherence Module is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to analyze the harmonious interaction of all parts and systems of a person. This analysis provides you with meaningful information about the client's individual functions and their optimal connection to the person.

Special Webinar: Identify and Control Group Dynamics in Real Time

Steffen Jüngling | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Whether it is a team, group, crew or family, the dynamics of people always affect each other. The new RealTimeWaver Pro software is designed to help you analyze and optimize processes and people in real time to identify potential disruptive factors and optimize the interaction between everyone. Find out in this webinar how you can use RealTimeWaver Pro in coaching, health consulting or in a corporate environment to support your clients holistically!

The TimeWaver Modules Matrix and BiLo-PS

Wolfgang Blüml and Günter Latz | Live | English | Online | Free admission

What can we imagine when we work with the TimeWaver? The Information Field technology is based on the theory of a field that combines spiritual, energetic and material impulses. It offers us the opportunity to analyze and harmonize deep connections and backgrounds of spiritual and material imbalances in the Information Field.

The Power of the Mind

Michael Danz and Martin Lakaschus | Live | English | Online | Free admission

The power of the mind is amazing - it can shape and change our reality. A striking example of this is the placebo effect, where simply believing in its efficacy can bring about improvement. But this power is not limited to the realm of holistic health - in the context of financial manifestation, the placebo effect also holds powerful potential.

Summer Campaign with Timewaver Pro

Wolfgang Blüml | Live | English | Online | Free admission

We often look for solutions to our conflicts and problems, unaware that the causes go beyond the visible level and may lie in deeper layers. The TimeWaver modules offer the possibility to recognize and analyze deep backgrounds in the Information Field and to dissolve blockades in a harmonizing way. In this webinar you will get a comprehensive overview of the different modules and their applications.

TimeWaver BIZ Platinum

Johann Tesch | Live | English | Online | Free admission

Today, it is essential for companies to be efficient and agile in order to operate in a dynamic market environment. Work-life balance plays an important role. In this webinar, Johann Tesch as representative of the Institut Brand will show you how you can use TimeWaver BIZ Platinum to practice stress management and at the same time strengthen company goals in order to increase success and wellbeing in the long term.

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