
TimeWaver Pro


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TimeWaver 科技分析了信息場中的這些複雜機制,並根據用戶體驗向你展示了如何協調信息場中隱藏的失衡。


TimeWaver 分析了信息場的不同層面,我們相信它們整體上構成了人類。

TimeWaver 分析了信息場的不同層面,我們相信它們整體上構成了人類。



TimeWaver 信息場科技理念起源於量子物理學,在量子物理學中可以觀察到精神和物質過程之間的密切相互作用,以及深度心理學,特別是瑞士精神病學家榮格創造的集體無意識的概念無意識。這兩種方法相互關聯,並在 TimeWaver 系統中協同工作。

Information Field Application for Holistic Health

TimeWaver 的設計是為了分析精神和物質失衡的深層連結和背景,並在信息場中對其進行協調。

Since the causes of imbalance often lie in areas that are not immediately obvious – e.g. partnership, career, environmental pollution or the living environment – TimeWaver has a large number of different databases that help to identify and consciously address the respective area of life. In this way, individual solutions can be found and implemented to achieve a better attitude towards life.

Depending on the area of application, we have developed integrative modules that are adapted to the needs of different professional groups and have been successfully used by more than 5,000 therapists, psychologists, architects, farmers, veterinarians, coaches, management consultants, athletes and other professional groups worldwide.

TimeWaver 應用






















根據經驗和應用策略,TimeWaver 系統可以透過附加模組進行擴展。這些模組可以快速、輕鬆內置到應用組合中。


Coherence analysis to identify causes in the entire human system.
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Coherence describes the dynamic state in which different parts of a system interact in the best possible harmony. The TimeWaver Coherence Module is the core of the TimeWaver Pro software and is designed to show you the connection of individual body systems to the overall human system through an Information Field analysis. It analyzes where possible blockages are preventing coherence. The Coherence Module then compiles specific remedies from extensive databases to address these imbalances.


Sounds for wellbeing – supporting through individually analyzed frequencies.
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Sounds can have a calming effect, such as classical or meditative music. The Sound Module is based on the floating frequency model, which analyzes certain frequencies that are thought to have a soothing effect and then modulates them onto music or other sound sources. In this way, these customized frequencies can have a positive effect on your clients’ overall wellbeing through acoustic signals, including MP3 files.


Identify and harmonize meridian blockages in the Information Field.
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Experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda understand the interplay of the meridians. The TimeWaver Meridians Module is designed to give you deep insight into the energetic blockages of the various meridians, to show connections and to restore the flow of the meridians by applying appropriate balancing information. In the first step, the module provides an analysis of the energy balance of the meridians in the Information Field, and in the second step, a deeper analysis of the individual acupuncture points for underlying causes. In the third step, an individualized harmonization list is created and applied for targeted release of blockages.


Energetic balance with individual energy point models in the Information Field.
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The Energy Points Module provides the ability to analyze energetic imbalances with specific databases using a selection of proven energy point model of the major areas of life in the Information Field. In addition, you can create your own energy point models, for example for analyzing rooms or places, and analyze and harmonize the causes of imbalances with the help of the extensive databases.

TimeWaver Coaching Module


Self-assessment and Information Field analysis for sustainable change.
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The TimeWaver Coaching Module is a valuable tool for anyone in a counseling role. It combines the client’s self-assessment with an Information Field analysis that complements the classic coaching approach. However, the Information Field analysis allows you to gain insight into essential information hidden in your client’s subconscious much more quickly. By pinpointing the causes, you can bring clarity to unresolved areas and help the client to find long-sought answers more quickly and to solve central issues.


Creative Homeopathy and state-of-the-art Information Field technology.
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The TimeWaver Homeology Module was developed in collaboration with the experienced naturopath, homeopath and developer of Creative Homeopathy, Antonie Peppler. It contains hundreds of single and combination remedies that focus specifically on psychological stress patterns and their resolution. These can be used directly in your personal homeopathic work. The information patterns stored in the system can be transferred to water, globules or other information carriers and given to your clients.


Harmonization of cell communication through wave-genetic frequencies.
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The Matrix Module, based on the research of Dr. Peter Gariaev, stimulates the wave genetic field of cells through specific acoustic frequencies. As the developer of Wave Genetics, Gariaev discovered phantom DNA and showed that the DNA field reacts to impulses of consciousness, acting as an interface between the Information Field and the bioelectric cell field. The module combines the possibilities of TimeWaver Pro and Frequency, includes hundreds of acoustic files and is used to harmonize cell communication in the Information Field. It analyzes individual frequencies and generates an MP3 file that can be used subacoustically or audibly.


Analyze chakras in the Information Field and find causes.
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The Aura Module gives you an overview of how the energy centers of the seven main chakras behave energetically and where possible energetic deficits lie. In a further analysis, you can then analyze and harmonize the underlying causes. The aura analysis in the Information Field is a dynamic tool that not only shows a static moment, but also shows changes over time as a video to see how the balancing information affects them.


Recognize and transform hidden issues based on causal points in life.
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We all have a timeline, a chronological time axis that runs like a thread through our lives. On this timeline there are events that have shaped and had a lasting influence on us. Most of these events are stored in the subconscious. In this way, traumas that have been repressed, continue to influence our actions, thoughts and feelings to this day. The TimeLine Module is designed to help you identify important hidden events on the time axis by analyzing your Information Field. These can then be transformed through awareness and be integrated into life in a new way.


Systemic constellations in the Information Field in a simple and efficient way.
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The GenoWave Module is ideal for coaching and systemic constellations. It analyzes the quality of relationships and dynamics between individuals, groups or other constellations in the Information Field and brings unconscious aspects into the consciousness of your clients through positive information. In this way, it supports inner transformation. You can create individual persons and thus easily recognize and optimize the different qualities of relationships.


Analysis of HRV parameters for stress management and vitality.

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The comprehensive analysis in the TimeWaver Cardio Pulse system is used to measure the pulse wave and evaluate heart rate variability (HRV). It provides insights into a person’s stress level and vitality and is an excellent initial analysis to perform before starting more extensive work with your clients. The HRV analysis provides a practical result for in-depth work, particularly in the areas of regeneration and stress management, coaching and counselling.

TimeWaver Bilo-PS module


Understanding and resolving conflicts with the power of the biological laws of nature.
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The BiLo-PS© Module stands for “Bio-Logical-Psycho-Social” connections and supports TimeWaver users in gaining a well-founded understanding of the causes of imbalances in consciousness, psyche, body and social environment. It is based on the model of the biological laws of nature and enables a profound analysis and harmonization in the Information Field. A special feature of the BiLo-PS© module is that it can analyze the time frame of a conflict event and the associated physical connections, which significantly clarifies communication with clients.

TimeWaver HorseWaver module


Horse-specific analysis for optimal animal wellbeing.

閱讀更多 Pfeil The HorseWaver Module is specifically designed for veterinarians, horse owners and breeders who want to use the potential of TimeWaver for the wellbeing, mental and physical recovery of the horse. Similar to the Coherence Module, the HorseWaver Module performs a comprehensive analysis and harmonization of the coherence of the individual body systems in the animal’s Information Field. It includes numerous horse-specific databases, the ability to harmonize organ fields, and an extensive selection of digital homeopathic remedies to support and sustainably improve the horse’s wellbeing.


Analyze your desired topic in the Information Field – with just one click! 閱讀更多 Pfeil Analyse and harmonize any desired topic in the Information Field with just one click – fast and practical! MyTimeWaver is not a stand-alone module, but a shortcut to the databases included in all versions. By sorting the databases according to specific sets or topics, MyTimeWaver gives you a quick and easy overview. Any topic, such as ‘Affirmations’, can be accessed with a single click without a long search, which saves time and optimizes your work processes in the long term.
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注意事項: 資訊場中的分析和平衡並非旨在治癒、治療、減輕、診斷或預防任何疾病或醫療狀況。其旨在讓專業用戶在全面的背景下選擇從信息場的結果中獲得有用的資訊。每位專業用戶都應該根據自己的經驗來評估應用在他們的實踐中是否有用。資料庫和模組中使用的詞彙不構成關於其效果的聲明。來自 TimeWaver 系統的資訊應該始終予以客觀看待,如有必要,應使用進一步的流程進行驗證。TimeWaver 系統應始終在用戶的專業實踐、授權或認證範圍內使用,並按照使用說明和公司提供的手冊來使用。信息場技術是 TimeWaver 的專利技術。其理論基礎為信息場是精神與物質交流的非物質區域。它反映了我們所信奉的生活事件之精神意義。科學文獻中曾探討這種場的存在。信息場分析旨在尋找有助於資訊場平衡的資訊模式。為此,透過評估物理噪聲發生器的資料,我們對清單中排列的描述性句子等內容指定優先順序。在我們的使用者體驗中,此優先順序反映了與使用者的關聯程度。信息場分析反映了在進行分析時各種因素的組合,包括使用者的意圖。由於環境變數的變化,不同時間的分析可能會產生不同的結果。我們對照組和隨機組的參與者進行了非盲前/後對比調查。這些調查表明,參與者在應用後的保健更佳。我們將此歸功於信息場的協調,稱之為物質和精神層面的統一背景場。此理論尚未得到獨立研究的證實。TimeWaver 資料庫的內容均基於創建相關內容的專家的實際經驗。這些理論尚未有得到獨立研究的證實。TimeWaver 模組的內容均基於創建內容的專家的實際經驗。這些理論尚未有得到獨立研究的證實。TimeWaver 模組並非旨在診斷、治療、治癒、減輕或預防任何疾病或醫療狀況,也不可作為適當醫療護理的替代品。

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