Silvester 2023
New Year 2023
TimeWaver Wishes You a Happy New Year

This is the very last newsletter we are sending out in 2022! It was most likely a year full of challenges for most of us, but also a year full of opportunities and hopes. We at TimeWaver are happy and proud that we achieved great success, together with you, in many countries around the world. Together we have been able to support many people to improve their health and their professional activities.

Looking back probably means looking forward as well, in an attempt to project what has happened onto what is yet to come. We firmly believe that together with you, we will continue to obtain and to give much happiness in the coming year; happiness being not only a momentary pleasant feeling, but much more: it is the awareness to lead a meaningful life, to do good for oneself and for others and to fulfill the task for which we were brought into the world.

In this spirit, we wish you, your family and ourselves a happy year 2023!

Your TimeWaver Team

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