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The Resonance Principle of the Timewaver Frequency System

Alexander Diehl

September 27, 2023
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm CEST

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TimeWaver Frequency, TimeWaver Frequency McMakin
Informational Webinar


Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

What does resonance mean in terms of frequencies for humans and animals? Alexander Diehl wants to give you answers and practical examples for this question in his webinar with the TimeWaver Frequency system.

The Information Field controlled frequency application of TimeWaver Frequency makes it possible to analyze in real time which frequencies have the highest degree of resonance for humans.

In addition, the TimeWaver Frequency McMakin system is also an ideal tool for applying microcurrents and frequencies to humans for a wide variety of applications.

Webinar Contents:

  • What does resonance mean in terms of frequencies?
  • Frequencies and microcurrent as support for wellbeing
  • Practical examples based on selected frequencies
  • Q&A

Alexander Diehl

Alexander Diehl is a certified health manager and has been the contact person for everything to do with health, fitness and rehabilitation at TimeWaver since 2018.

Due to his many years of experience in personal health coaching, he knows how to integrate Frequency Application into the users’ everyday life, pointing them in the right direction with his valuable hints and tips.

Save your seat now without obligation. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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