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TimeWaver BIZ Premium

Holistic Optimization of Business, Management and Buildings

Johann Tesch

August 13, 2024
4:00 – 5:00 pm CEST

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TimeWaver BIZ
User Webinar


Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

Successful business management is not only about key figures, strategies and physical resources – TimeWaver users are aware of the holistic interplay of mind and matter and can use and optimize this specifically for their business success. In this webinar Johann Tesch as representative of the Institut Brand will introduce you to the TimeWaver BIZ Premium system and show you the future-oriented potential for holistic business management.

Learn how to analyze and optimize the various levels of a company and its management with the help of versatile databases, discover hidden connections and harmonize imbalances more quickly and efficiently. Special emphasis is placed on energy point sets and building optimization, which can be used to perform energetic cleansing to free the company and its environment of old burdens and to realign it on a material and spiritual level. Methods for transforming fears and strategies for successful contracting will also be explored.

Register now and find out how you can use the TimeWaver BIZ Premium System specifically and precisely for your business success!

Webinar Contents:

  • Holistic Business Optimization
  • Presentation of databases and EP sets
  • Communication, motivation and visibility of the company
  • Successful closing of contracts and transformation of fears
  • Practical, project-based application examples with TimeWaver BIZ Premium

Johann Tesch

Johann Tesch comes from Vienne and lives in Spain now. He was employed for many years in the management of international companies. Since 2014 he has been an independent management consultant. When supporting his customers, he fully trusts in the possibilities of TimeWaver BIZ. He likes to train new TimeWaver BIZ users in German, English and Spanish, who can benefit from his extensive experience.

Johann Tesch

Save your seat now without obligation. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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