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What You Should Know About Herbal Medicine

TimeWaver Event

Dr. med. Bernhard Weber, Christiane E. Weber

TimeWaver Event

May 17, 2023
06:00 pm – 07:00 pm CEST 

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User Webinar

TimeWaver Event


TimeWaver Event

29,90 EUR*

incl. 19% VAT

What to expect in this webinar:

Dr. Bernhard and Christiane Weber will provide you with valuable information on the scientific basis for the vast body of experience in herbal medicine in Europe, India and China and their correlation to the TimeWaver databases.

From their 30 years of practical experience in herbal medicine, Dr. Bernhard and Christiane Weber will show you practical examples, presenting the most relevant among them in case summaries and complementing them with the respective scientific research.

Look forward to special new sets for harmonization and algorithms!

Webinar Contents:

  • The backgrounds of the thousands of years of experience in phytotherapy
  • How this vast knowledge has found its way into the TimeWaver databases
  • The herbs and their application on the different physical levels
  • Practical examples
  • TimeWaver Sets for harmonization and algorithms
  • Questions and Answers

User webinar: What You Should Know About Herbal Medicine

29,90 EUR

Dr. med. Bernhard Weber

Dr. Bernhard Weber founded his private practice in Marburg 25 years ago, focusing on naturopathy and environmental medicine, working together with his wife Christiane Werber. The main focus in his practice is the causal testing of acupuncture points using EAV and TimeWaver. He pursues the therapy of many chronic imbalances by integrating twelve methods from the fields of naturopathy and homeopathy. Since the foundation of Naturheilkunde AG in 1998, these results have been published in scientific case collections and presented in patient guides. The completely new field of vascular calcification regression led to the launch of a nationwide arteriosclerosis advice center. Dr. Weber has published his experiences in a book, the basis for which is, among other things, the newly developed discipline of telemedicine naturopathy.

*Price information: The webinar price is 29,90 EUR including VAT.

Everyone who registers for the webinar will receive a link to the recording of the webinar, regardless of their participation, by email within 2 weeks of the date. Please note that the link to the recording of the webinar will be made available for 6 months after receipt.

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