Water – Globules – Information
How do I Inform Carrier Objects With the TimeWaver Systems Frequency and Pro?

Alexander Diehl

June 26, 2024
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm CEST
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TimeWaver Pro, TimeWaver Frequency
User Webinar


Free admission
What to expect in this webinar:
Frequencies and information can be transferred to water and other carrier objects such as globules using the TimeWaver systems. By using TimeWaver Frequency and TimeWaver Pro to gain access to the Information Field as a field of interaction between spirit and matter, we can enrich carrier objects with information to increase the holistic well-being of people, animals and plants.
In this webinar, Alexander Diehl will show you practical applications of this information work and explain basic theories of how water as a carrier of information can store and transmit signals. By means of studies it will be explained how carrier objects and information are connected and what influence new information has on everyday life processes, be it at work, during sports or even during sleep.
A look at the current state of research and practical applications will explain how you can inform water, globules and other carrier objects with the TimeWaver Pro and Frequency systems to improve your quality of life and personal well-being with informed carrier objects in the long term!
Webinar Contents:
- What is information?
- Water, globules and other information carriers
- Research and studies
- Practical applications and possibilities
- Q&A
Alexander Diehl
Alexander Diehl is a certified health manager and has been the contact person for everything to do with health, fitness and rehabilitation at TimeWaver since 2018. Due to his many years of experience in personal health coaching, he knows how to integrate Frequency Application into the users’ everyday life, pointing them in the right direction with his valuable hints and tips.