
International Training Day TimeWaver Summer World 2023

Strong and Healthy Out of the Crisis – Level 4 Training

TimeWaver Event

Dr. Folker Meißner, Michael Danz, Alexander Diehl

TimeWaver Event

June 9, 2023
9:00 am – 4:30 pm CEST 

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TimeWaver Event

TimeWaver Pro, TimeWaver BIZ, TimeWaver Frequency, TimeWaver Frequency McMakin

TimeWaver Event

On site at the Kurhaushotel in Bad Salzhausen near Frankfurt am Main, Germany

TimeWaver Event

199,00 EUR*

incl. 19% VAT

What to expect on this training day:

This training day offers you a perfect opportunity to go even further into in-depth work with the TimeWaver systems TimeWaver Pro, TimeWaver BIZ, TimeWaver Frequency and TimeWaver Frequency McMakin and especially targets experienced TimeWaver users. Under the heading “Strong and Healthy Out of the Crisis”, our speakers will show you special practices with the different TimeWaver systems, basing them on your extensive knowledge. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn exclusive insights on each TimeWaver system in just one day and register now! The number of seats is limited.


09:00 am – 09:30 am: Registration

09:30 am – 10:45 am: “Personal and Business Coaching in Difficult Times” with Michael Danz, TimeWaver BIZ and TimeWaver Coach

Michael is going to share his vast practical experience in the fields of personal and business coaching as well as the basics of TimeWaver technology.

Regarding personal coaching, he is going to talk about the various layers or koshas of the self and the practical application of the TimeWaver GenoWave and EnergyPoint modules. The main thoughts and ideas of this session are: “The closer you get to your real self, the more powerful you shall become” and “Self-purification and inner reflection through personal coaching”.

The business aspect covers how to bring your business back on the road, learning from crises, aligning yourself to a changing world and creating a solid foundation to cope with future challenges. The theoretical part is about quantum physics and new models to explain the Information Field, how to communicate with it and the role of TimeWaver as an interface to it.

11:00 am – 12:30 pm: “How to Overcome Crises Strong and Healthy” with Dr. Folker Meißner, TimeWaver Pro

Dr. Folker Meißner will talk about mental crisis management, including the approach that every client has their own history, and how to deal with “learned helplessness”. A related topic is about the phases of a crisis and how to appropriately cope with them. Survival mode, growth mode and self esteem are some other important aspects of the topic being discussed. And finally, finding individual solutions using the 5D approach.

13:30 pm –  15:00 pm: “Improvement of Regenerative Capabilities in Relation to the Crisis” with Alexander Diehl, TimeWaver Frequency

In times of crisis, imbalances can arise on both the emotional as well as the physical levels; these can both be re-harmonized through the application of the Nuno Nina protocol. The focus of the training session is on emotional and material drainage, holistic wellbeing and the individual focus on the client.

15:15 pm – 16:30 pm: “FSM Application for Issues on the Emotional and Material Level” with Alexander Diehl, TimeWaver Frequency McMakin

This training session is about the application of FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent) to revitalize the emotional level and Bioenergetic Fields of various body systems in order to achieve a coherent state.

In addition to your participation, the training fee includes refreshments during breaks and a vegetarian lunch.

Note: This offer is exclusively for TimeWaver users.

Training Day Contents:

  • 4 theme blocks under the title “Strong and Healthy Out of the Crisis”.

  • Exclusive insights into the TimeWaver systems Pro, BIZ, Frequency, Frequency McMakin

  • Questions and answers

Dr. Folker Meißner

Dr. Folker Meißner has been running a very successful private practice for holistic medicine in Königswinter (near Bonn, Germany) for over 20 years. He has been practicing and teaching acupuncture for over 25 years. His focus is on the practical application of quantum physics in the form of a combination of energy medicine, technical information medicine and “speaking medicine” (such as NLP, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting). Folker has gained a wide reputation as founder and 1st chairman of the German Academy for Energy Medicine and Bioenergetics (DAEMBE) as well as a physician, scientist, speaker and trainer, both nationally and internationally. He is a physician with a focus on acupuncture, integrative therapy methods and “speaking medicine”, book author as well as a passionate TimeWaver user and trainer for the TimeWaver Academy since 2012.

Michael Danz

Michael Danz, MBA joined TimeWaver in 2010 and is himself a passionate TimeWaver user. He is the direct contact person for the international area and is responsible for user support at TimeWaver.
Michael has worked in many different areas with TimeWaver to finally find his personal passion and challenge in the area of national and international customer care.

Alexander Diehl

Alexander Diehl is a certified health manager and has been the contact person for everything to do with health, fitness and rehabilitation at TimeWaver since 2018. Due to his many years of experience in personal health coaching, he knows how to integrate Frequency Application into the users’ everyday life, pointing them in the right direction with his valuable hints and tips.

*Price information: The regular ticket price is 199,00 EUR including VAT. 

At the event, film and sound recordings as well as photos will be made, and you agree to their subsequent use by attending the event.

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