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Bis zum 30. April 2023
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Bis zum 30. April 2023
欢迎来到 TimeWaver 的世界!
- 探索信息场和频率应用的体验
- 针对不同实践的综合应用方法
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体验 TimeWaver 的精髓
TimeWaver 可让你分析和协调更深层次的相互关系和背景,包括信息场中精神和物质的失衡。
TimeWaver 都可以为你提供全新和全面的方法。
Dr. Bernard Weber
Being a complementary physician, a differentiated view of my patients is of utmost importance to me. This includes not only physical or psychological topics, but also the
Being a complementary physician, a differentiated view of my patients is of utmost importance to me. This includes not only physical or psychological topics, but also the family environment, occupation or nutrition. TimeWaver gives me indications on all important areas, allowing me to follow up on them.
Being a complementary physician, a differentiated view of my patients is of utmost importance to me. This includes not only physical or psychological topics, but also the family environment, occupation or nutrition. TimeWaver gives me indications on all important areas, allowing me to follow up on them.
ND Martina Kondritz
I worked for many years as an oncology nurse before I trained as an alternative practitioner. Therefore, I know how much a holistic approach can help people in
I worked for many years as an oncology nurse before I trained as an alternative practitioner. Therefore, I know how much a holistic approach can help people in addition to conventional medical care. This is exactly the support that TimeWaver Frequency is giving me!
I worked for many years as an oncology nurse before I trained as an alternative practitioner. Therefore, I know how much a holistic approach can help people in addition to conventional medical care. This is exactly the support that TimeWaver Frequency is giving me!
Dr. rer. soc. Mihaela Stroe
Doctor of Sociology, behavior analyst, coach
After six years of intensive work with TimeWaver Pro (Psychological Database) and more than 2,000 clients, what I like best is that all my clients
After six years of intensive work with TimeWaver Pro (Psychological Database) and more than 2,000 clients, what I like best is that all my clients transformed their mindset from rigidity to flexibility very quickly and efficiently, so their results in business and life reached the level of performance put in their focus, and they personally became their best version ever.
After six years of intensive work with TimeWaver Pro (Psychological Database) and more than 2,000 clients, what I like best is that all my clients transformed their mindset from rigidity to flexibility very quickly and efficiently, so their results in business and life reached the level of performance put in their focus, and they personally became their best version ever.
Christiane Brand
Business consultant, trainer
I have been using TimeWaver for more than 15 years now both for myself , for my own business and for the optimization and harmonization of my corporate clients. I am always amazed at the precision with which TimeWaver recognizes the important aspects in a company structure. My long-term customers benefit tremendously from the results.
Daniel Schwander
Bioenergetic practitioner
An inspiration to me: Being able to capture an object outside of my consciousness as accurately as possible, thus creating awareness. As I always like to say:
An inspiration to me: Being able to capture an object outside of my consciousness as accurately as possible, thus creating awareness. As I always like to say: giving a voice to the subconscious. For animals: giving a voice to the animals.
An inspiration to me: Being able to capture an object outside of my consciousness as accurately as possible, thus creating awareness. As I always like to say: giving a voice to the subconscious. For animals: giving a voice to the animals.
成为 TimeWaver 大家庭的一份子!
全球超过 2,000 名专业人士正在使用 TimeWaver 信息场技术和频率应用,而且用户人数还在稳步增长!
在以下页面中,我们将向你概述我们的解决方案、产品以及团队如何为你提供支持。由 Marcus Schmieke 开发的 TimeWaver 系统基于独特的概念;因此,你需要花一些时间和精力去熟悉它们。
TimeWaver 可让你分析和协调更深层次的相互关系和背景,包括信息场中精神和物质的失衡。无论是医疗保健、健康、活力、运动、商业还是辅导:TimeWaver 都可以为你提供全新和全面的方法。
满足你特定执业需求的三种主要 TimeWaver 产品:
- TimeWaver Frequency:提升健康与活力的微电流频率装置。
- TimeWaver Pro:整体健康从业者的健康工具、以及专为商务专业人士和教练打造的重要工具。
- TimeWaver Cardio:测量脉搏波和计算心律变异率(HRV)的专业设备。
成为 TimeWaver 大家庭的一份子!
全球超过 2,000 名专业人士正在使用 TimeWaver 信息场技术和频率应用,而且用户人数还在稳步增长!
在以下页面中,我们将向你概述我们的解决方案、产品以及团队如何为你提供支持。由 Marcus Schmieke 开发的 TimeWaver 系统基于独特的概念;因此,你需要花一些时间和精力去熟悉它们。
Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date with all the latest news and developments in the world of TimeWaver. Sign up for the free TimeWaver newsletter here:
Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date with all the latest news and developments in the world of TimeWaver. Sign up for the free TimeWaver newsletter here:
注意事项:信息场技术是 TimeWaver 的专有技术。其理论基础是信息场是精神与物质交流的非物质区域。它反映了我们所信奉的生活事件之精神意义。科学文献中曾探讨这种场的存在。
TimeWaver 在对照组和随机组参与者中进行了非盲前/后对比调查。这些调查表明,在应用后,参与者的幸福感更高。我们把这个效果归因于信息场的平衡;在其中,生命能量,也称为气(或 Qi)和普拉那,将进入流动循环。该理论还没有得到独立研究的证实。
信息场中的分析和平衡并不旨在治愈、治疗、减轻、诊断或预防任何疾病或医疗状况。其旨在让专业用户在全面的背景下选择从信息场的结果中获得有用的信息。每个专业用户都应该根据自己的经验来评估应用在他们的实践中是否有用。数据库和模组中使用的术语不构成关于其效果的声明。来自 TimeWaver 系统的信息应该始终予以客观看待,并且,如有必要,应使用进一步的流程进行验证。TimeWaver 系统应始终在用户的专业实践、许可或认证范围内使用,并按照使用说明和公司提供的手册来使用。
TimeWaver 是 Marcus Schmieke 的注册商标。