Lade Veranstaltungen

Professional Coaching With the TimeWaver Coaching Module

TimeWaver Event

Steffen Jüngling

TimeWaver Event

March 1, 2023
10:00 am – 10:45 am CET

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TimeWaver Event

TimeWaver Pro
Webinar for interested people

TimeWaver Event


TimeWaver Event

Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

If you participate in this webinar, you will have the opportunity to receive a discount on the presented modules.

Would You like to Get to the Bottom of Things, Gain Deeper Insights and Find Hidden Underlying Interrelationships?

In this webinar Steffen Jüngling will show you, how the TimeWaver Coaching Module allows you to conduct an interactive coaching session with your clients. The module follows the common model of the 14 most important areas of life, represented in the form of a segmented circle. In the course of the coaching session you will receive valuable and supportive information through the analysis in the Information Field, which you can discuss with the client in an awareness process and use after the session to harmonize the Information Field.

Practical Examples of Coaching Topics:

– Reconciling personal wellbeing and professional success

– Dealing with private and professional changes

– Development and strengthening of leadership skills

– Improvement of communication skills

– Conflict management

Webinar Contents:

  • Easily understandable presentation of the module
  • Presentation of a coaching session in four steps
  • Topics such as: Transformations of life themes, Unblocking of blocking beliefs, Systemic affirmations, Holistic personality development, Management and many more
  • Discount promotion for webinar participants
  • Questions & answers

Steffen Jüngling

Steffen Jüngling has been a much appreciated contact person for our national and international clients since 2012. His strength lies in personal one-to-one exchange, showing others new perspectives for personal growth in addition to sharing his specialist knowledge. Steffen sees the connection with the Information Field as the key to success in the application of TimeWaver systems and puts special emphasis on supporting TimeWaver users.

Save your seat now without obligation. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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