The Meaning of Life – Spiritual Coaching with TimeWaver Pro
Steffen Jüngling
April 27, 2023 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm CEST
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TimeWaver Pro Webinar for interested people
Free admission
What to expect in this webinar:
This webinar shows you how you can use TimeWaver Pro and the Coaching Module to recognize and transform the deeper meaning of certain phases in life. Especially the insights on the spiritual and psychical level can be helpful to quickly obtain vital information with practical benefits.
Webinar Contents:
Introducing the TimeWaver Pro system with the Coaching module.
Recognizing patterns and blockages
The spiritual and psychological level in the orientation of life
Steffen Jüngling
Steffen Jüngling has been a much appreciated contact person for our national and international clients since 2012. His strength lies in personal one-to-one exchange, showing others new perspectives for personal growth in addition to sharing his specialist knowledge. Steffen sees the connection with the Information Field as the key to success in the application of TimeWaver systems and puts special emphasis on supporting TimeWaver users.
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