Lade Veranstaltungen

Using TimeWaver Pro Platinum in Everyday Life

Steffen Jüngling

October 9, 2024
4:00 – 5:00 pm CEST

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TimeWaver Pro
Informational  webinar


Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

The TimeWaver Pro Platinum system is a comprehensive tool with a variety of modules that you can apply to different areas of your life. Whether Coherence, Timeline, Meridian or GenoWave – the collective offers you a highly efficient selection of modules and databases for integration into your daily workflow. In this webinar, you will gain valuable insight into the system’s functions and its diverse applications.

Steffen Jüngling presents Time Waver Pro Platinum and demonstrates not only the core functions but also the innovative technology that helps you to work more efficiently. Using practical examples, you will learn how to use the analysis function of the system profitably and thus make well-founded and confident decisions.

You will also learn how to use the Coaching Module, the Matrix Module, and other modules in a practical way and integrate them into your daily routine as needed to achieve the best possible results.

Webinar Contents:

  • Introduction to TimeWaver Pro Platinum: core features and technology
  • Practical applications of analysis
  • Practical applications of various modules for profitable use
  • Q&A

Steffen Jüngling

Steffen Jüngling has been a much appreciated contact person for our national and international clients since 2012. His strength lies in personal one-to-one exchange, showing others new perspectives for personal growth in addition to sharing his specialist knowledge. Steffen sees the connection with the Information Field as the key to success in the application of TimeWaver systems and puts special emphasis on supporting TimeWaver users.

Steffen Juengling

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