Online Academy

El portal de formación

¡Bienvenido/a a la TimeWaver Online Academy!

Te proporcionamos asistencia integral en tu trabajo con los sistemas TimeWaver. Inaugurada en 2011, la TimeWaver Academy está disponible para todos los usuarios de TimeWaver: te presentamos la tecnología disruptiva del campo de información. Además de aprender los primeros pasos de esta aplicación, también estudiarás en detalle las opciones complejas de la aplicación.

Beneficios de la TimeWaver Online Academy

  • Experiencia actualizada y nuevos desarrollos siempre disponibles
  • Un amplio rango de contenido formativo y seminarios web
  • Unidades didácticas prácticas para repetir tantas veces como desees
  • Asistencia profesional e interacción directa
  • Funcionamiento sencillo e intuitivo

Calendario de eventos

Descubre TimeWaver y conoce sus productos, ideas y servicios. Durante nuestros eventos y en el amplio programa de seminarios y seminarios web, los usuarios actuales y potenciales obtendrán conocimientos de primera mano.

Formación online

¿Has adquirido un sistema TimeWaver hace poco? Te ofrecemos cursos formativos para un inicio eficaz y sencillo en tu trabajo con TimeWaver. Gracias a un amplio abanico de contenido didáctico, aprenderás cómo funcionan los sistemas y módulos en detalle.

¿Qué aprenderás en la TimeWaver Online Academy?

TimeWaver atrae a cada vez más usuarios cada año; las actividades de la TimeWaver Online Academy están en constante crecimiento y cambio. En la actualidad, nuestro catálogo es más variado que nunca y aborda específicamente tus necesidades.

Te damos las gracias por tu fidelidad y esperamos que nuestras ofertas sigan sirviéndote de inspiración y mejoren tu trabajo con TimeWaver en el futuro.

¿Tienes alguna pregunta?
¡Aquí nos tienes!

Estamos disponibles por vía telefónica de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 14:30 horas CET.

Teléfono: +49 3391 40022-21
Corre electrónico: academy@timewaver.com

Dr. Bernard Weber


Being a complementary physician, a differentiated view of my patients is of utmost importance to me. This includes not only physical or psychological topics, but also the
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Being a complementary physician, a differentiated view of my patients is of utmost importance to me. This includes not only physical or psychological topics, but also the family environment, occupation or nutrition. TimeWaver gives me indications on all important areas, allowing me to follow up on them.

Being a complementary physician, a differentiated view of my patients is of utmost importance to me. This includes not only physical or psychological topics, but also the family environment, occupation or nutrition. TimeWaver gives me indications on all important areas, allowing me to follow up on them.

ND Martina Kondritz


I worked for many years as an oncology nurse before I trained as an alternative practitioner. Therefore, I know how much a holistic approach can help people in
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I worked for many years as an oncology nurse before I trained as an alternative practitioner. Therefore, I know how much a holistic approach can help people in addition to conventional medical care. This is exactly the support that TimeWaver Frequency is giving me!

I worked for many years as an oncology nurse before I trained as an alternative practitioner. Therefore, I know how much a holistic approach can help people in addition to conventional medical care. This is exactly the support that TimeWaver Frequency is giving me!

Dr. Mihaela Stroe

Doctor of Sociology, behavior analyst, coach

After six years of intensive work with TimeWaver Pro (Psychological Database) and more than 2,000 clients, what I like best is that all my clients transformed their Seguir leyendo Pfeil After six years of intensive work with TimeWaver Pro (Psychological Database) and more than 2,000 clients, what I like best is that all my clients transformed their mindset from rigidity to flexibility very quickly and efficiently, so their results in business and life reached the level of performance put in their focus, and they personally became their best version ever.

After six years of intensive work with TimeWaver Pro (Psychological Database) and more than 2,000 clients, what I like best is that all my clients transformed their mindset from rigidity to flexibility very quickly and efficiently, so their results in business and life reached the level of performance put in their focus, and they personally became their best version ever.

Christiane Brand

Business consultant, trainer

I have been using TimeWaver for more than 15 years now both for myself , for my own business and for the optimization and harmonization of my Seguir leyendo Pfeil I have been using TimeWaver for more than 15 years now both for myself , for my own business and for the optimization and harmonization of my corporate clients. I am always amazed at the precision with which TimeWaver recognizes the important aspects in a company structure. My long-term customers benefit tremendously from the results.

I have been using TimeWaver for more than 15 years now both for myself , for my own business and for the optimization and harmonization of my corporate clients. I am always amazed at the precision with which TimeWaver recognizes the important aspects in a company structure. My long-term customers benefit tremendously from the results.

Daniel Schwander

Bioenergetic practitioner

An inspiration to me: Being able to capture an object outside of my consciousness as accurately as possible, thus creating awareness. As I always like to say:
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An inspiration to me: Being able to capture an object outside of my consciousness as accurately as possible, thus creating awareness. As I always like to say: giving a voice to the subconscious. For animals: giving a voice to the animals.

An inspiration to me: Being able to capture an object outside of my consciousness as accurately as possible, thus creating awareness. As I always like to say: giving a voice to the subconscious. For animals: giving a voice to the animals.

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