Ładowanie Wydarzenia

Karma and Life Plan

Steffen Jüngling

August 16, 2023
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm CEST

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TimeWaver Pro
User Webinar


Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

For us, the spiritual level is the most fundamental level of all life processes. It contains our deepest consciousness as well as our life tasks and our so-called karma.

What exactly is karma? How can I recognize it and thus accept and optimize my personal life plan?

Steffen Jüngling will give you answers to exactly these questions in this webinar and show you how you can positively support your life plan and karma with the TimeWaver Pro system and the Energy Points module on the spiritual level.

Webinar Contents:

  • What exactly is karma?
  • Recognize and optimize your karma and life plan with the TimeWaver Pro system and the Energy Points module.
  • The spiritual level as the basis of life
  • Q&A

Steffen Jüngling

Steffen Jüngling has been a much appreciated contact person for our national and international clients since 2012. His strength lies in personal one-to-one exchange, showing others new perspectives for personal growth in addition to sharing his specialist knowledge. Steffen sees the connection with the Information Field as the key to success in the application of TimeWaver systems and puts special emphasis on supporting TimeWaver users.

Save your seat now without obligation. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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