Ładowanie Wydarzenia

Releasing Blockages When Working With the Inner Child

Wolfgang Blüml

August 7, 2024
10:00 – 11:00 am CEST

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TimeWaver Pro
User Webinar


Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

We often ask ourselves why we do not make progress with persistent issues of personal development or trauma work. The solution may lie in our inner child or children. These can be described as personality traits that were frozen in childhood conflict situations. Our fears at that time can still influence our behavior and feelings today.

In this webinar, Wolfgang Blüml shows us how we can use the TimeWaver Coach and TimeWaver Pro system to approach our inner child and reconnect with it. This is essential for uncovering old patterns, understanding our own behaviors and fears, and finally releasing blockages in a lasting and profound way.

The focus is on the new User Database, which allows you to analyze what blocks have prevented you from accessing your inner child. You will also learn how to create your own problem-solving database that you can use to provide your clients with individualized, issue-based support. Register now to find out how you can release inner child parts to bring more peace and balance to your clients’ lives and relationships.

Webinar Contents:

  • The importance of working with the inner child
  • Restoring access to the inner child with a new database
  • Creating your own problem-solving databases
  • Q&A

Wolfgang Blüml

Wolfgang Blüml has been working at TimeWaver since 2011; he is go-to person for international sales and user support. His main focus is gaining the customers’ trust, based on personal and people-oriented support. Wolfgang’s commitment and spiritual dedication are the basis for his efficient and competent work with and support of TimeWaver. He also enriches and inspires many TimeWaver users and prospects in presentation webinars, at trade fairs and at roadshow events.

TimeWaver Wolfgang Blueml

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