Ładowanie Wydarzenia

Part 2 – Improve Relationships with TimeWaver Coach

Michael Danz

March 13, 2024
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm CET

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TimeWaver Pro
Informational Webinar for Coaches, Psychologists and Consultants 


Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

The new TimeWaver Coaching Module offers you a comprehensive and clear coaching structure with three database levels: The relationship to the self, the relationship to other living beings and the relationship to the Supreme. In this second part of the coaching webinar series, Michael Danz explains how you can harmonize the relationship to other living beings with the help of the new TimeWaver Coaching Module.

Creating peaceful co-existence with other people, animals and plants has been the subject of numerous public discourses for many years. The TimeWaver technology and the new TimeWaver coaching databases will allow you to see the deeper connections and opportunities that relationships to other living beings contain on a higher level. This can be applied in various areas of life to harmonize unconscious patterns in relationship qualities and increase wellbeing.

In this webinar, you will learn fascinating methods for balancing emotional and energetic blockages and supporting harmonious coexistence. Immerse yourself in a world in which the relationship to our fellows is redefined through a fully holistic understanding.

Webinar Contents:

  • Introduction of the second level of the new TimeWaver Coaching Module
  • Measures to harmonize the relationship to other living beings
  • Loving relationships as the standard for a happy society
  • Practical analyses to identify and harmonize weaknesses and unconscious patterns in relationship qualities
  • Recognizing and balancing traumatic relationship patterns from childhood
  • Q&A

Michael Danz

My name is Michael Danz. At a young age, I made a decision to dedicate several years of my life to the Bhakti Yoga tradition, in which I had found my vocation. Today, in my role as a coach and TimeWaver trainer, I love sharing and receiving spiritual knowledge and insights with others. I am especially inspired by supporting others on their transformative journey, helping them to heed and live their inner calling.

Since 2010, I have been a proud member of the TimeWaver team; TimeWaver has developed revolutionary technologies that work in harmony with cosmic energies to promote holistic wellbeing. Together we explore how consciousness is affecting our physical reality and guide people into a realm of higher existence where spirit and technology are converging in perfect harmony.

Save your seat now without obligation. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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