TimeWaver Frequency
Microcurrent Frequency Application

TimeWaver Frequency
For Your Holistic Wellbeing
An innovative combination of TimeWaver Information Field technology and the application of microcurrent frequencies: TimeWaver Frequency is a Class II medical device for use by medical professionals in a healthcare setting for management of acute and chronic pain, increased circulation, and muscle relaxation. It also includes TimeWaver’s Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies to improve patient wellbeing.
TimeWaver Frequency is a system for Microcurrent Frequency application, consisting of hardware and software, controlled by a laptop computer. It continuously analyzes the frequencies to be applied and transmits them to the client by means of various electrodes and includes numerous programs organized by functional categories, more than 50,000 frequency databases assigned to various topics and unique methods of systemic application.

Determining Frequencies in Real Time
Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF)
The Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) application of the TimeWaver Frequency system is innovative: The system permanently determines the frequencies to be applied in real time and continuously adapts them to the client during application.
With the resonance analysis function, the system analyzes the duration of the respective frequency matched to the client and checks the progress of the applied frequencies. At the appropriate point in time, the system automatically switches to the next frequency and applies it until it is no longer required.

Analyzing Deep Backgrounds
TimeWaver Information Field technology is designed to analyze backgrounds and interrelationships on an emotional and systemic level and to harmonize them by means of specific information and oscillation patterns in the Information Field.
TimeWaver Frequency McMakin
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) for Wellness and Wellbeing

The TimeWaver Frequency McMakin system is both a device and a method. Carolyn McMakin, D.C. is renowned worldwide as a pioneer of dual frequency application, especially in the field of competitive sports and imbalances in the Bioenergetic Field.
The most important protocols of her method, in use for over 20 years, have been adapted to the TimeWaver Frequency system and the result is the TimeWaver Frequency McMakin system. Each of these protocols contains specific frequency pairs that always possess the same structure: The first frequency is related to the purpose, for example vitalizing. The second frequency defines the target, for example the Bioenergetic Field of a joint.
TimeWaver Frequency, being a multi-purpose system, has a range of applications, whereas TimeWaver Frequency McMakin specializes in harmonizing the Bioenergetic Field of joints and bones by using FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent). Both applications (Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies and Frequency Specific Microcurrent) can be operated on the same TimeWaver Frequency device.
TimeWaver Frequency: The People

Marcus Schmieke
The TimeWaver Frequency system is based on the original TimeWaver concept and system, developed by Marcus Schmieke, the inventor of Information Field technology.

Carolyn McMakin
Carolyn McMakin, D.C. is an American teacher, researcher and pioneer of interfering dual frequency applications, termed FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent). Her work and knowledge of over 25 years form the basis of the TimeWaver Frequency McMakin system.

Nuno Nina

Marcus Schmieke
The TimeWaver Frequency system was developed by Marcus Schmieke, the inventor of Information Field technology, and Portuguese Nuno Nina, the director of seven integrative medicine clinics and a specialist in cell biology.
Nuno Nina has compiled 144,000 so-called gold frequencies in his work and assigned them to specific conditions.

TimeWaver Frequency at Your Service

The TimeWaver Frequency system expands your individual therapeutic spectrum. You will be supported and we believe your clients will benefit from our innovative methods. The wide range of applications and the numerous options offer every user a valuable extension and addition to their own range of services and an easy integration into their existing workflow.
Through the intelligent functions of TimeWaver technology, the entire workflow can be automated and compiled in individual client-specific protocols. The system independently processes the various frequency sequences using its automation functions. You only need to check the status and progress of the application from time to time.
The TimeWaver Frequency system includes many programs, organized by subject, special modules for analyzing the most suitable frequencies, and over 50,000 frequency databases, assigned to various topics.
What TimeWaver Frequency Can Do for You
- A clear and easily understood application protocol
- Detailed training courses at the TimeWaver Academy
- Easily reproducible procedures
- Time saving automation
- An easy to delegate method
- Worldwide application since 2010
More than 50 million applications of Individualized
Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs
The Cell as a Mirror of the Body

Wellbeing Begins in the Cell
The decrease of cell membrane voltage has been identified as a main cause of many imbalances. The basic principle of TimeWaver Frequency application is based on the harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field.

Energy for the Cells
If frequencies are the language of communication at the cellular level, it follows that many imbalances in the Bioenergetic Field can be harmonized by specifically and individually selected currents and frequencies. The basis of this theory is that certain frequencies can be systematically assigned to certain topics. User experience about which frequencies should be applied for which case has been a major factor in the development of the TimeWaver Frequency system.
The Information Level

The Information Field
The Information Field Module is designed to analyze backgrounds and potential interconnections in the Information Field. In our experience, it is a good preparation for the frequency application and is an elementary part of the TimeWaver Frequency system.
It helps you to analyze which frequencies are suggested for a specific application and draw conclusions about possible correlations found in the Information Field. This should enable you to harmonize the Bioenergetic Field of your clients by applying those frequencies.
Analyzing in the
Information Field
The information layer of the TimeWaver Frequency system contains an extensive database on different levels in the Bioenergetic Field, pertaining to a number of topics.
In addition, the TimeWaver Frequency system analyzes, within the Information Field, which positive information could be useful, and sends this information into the Information Field.

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Notice: The frequencies, duration, frequency, intensity and naming of the programs are based on the practical experience of the experts who created them. They have not been confirmed by independent studies. “Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies” (“IMF”) is a proprietary technology of TimeWaver. It uses the data from a physical noise generator to assign a priority to frequencies that professional users’ experience indicates have the highest relevance for the user. The Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs are designed to support wellbeing through the harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field. Information Field technology is a proprietary technology of TimeWaver. It is based on the theory that the Information Field is the non-material area through which spirit and matter communicate. It reflects what we consider to be the spiritual meaning of life events. The existence of such a field is discussed in scientific literature. Analysis in the Information Field is designed to search for the information patterns that contribute to the harmonization of the Information Field. For this purpose, a priority is assigned to contents such as descriptive sentences, arranged in lists, by evaluating the data of a physical noise generator. In our users’ experience, this priority reflects the relevance for the user. An analysis in the Information Field reflects a combination of factors at the time the analysis is done, including the intention of the user. An analysis at a different time may have a different result due to changes in the environmental variables. TimeWaver has conducted unblinded before/after surveys in controlled and randomized groups of participants. These surveys suggest that the participants’ wellbeing was higher after the application. We attribute this to the harmonization of the Information Field, in which the life energy, also called chi (or qi) and prana, is brought back into flow. This has not been confirmed by independent studies. “Frequency Specific Microcurrent” (“FSM”) is a proprietary mode of action used by TimeWaver. It uses two outputs in parallel to transmit frequency modulated microcurrent to the client via electrodes. The frequency pairs, duration, frequency, intensity and naming of the programs are based on the practical experience of the experts who created them. The frequency programs are designed to support wellbeing through the harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field. TimeWaver has conducted unblinded before/after surveys in controlled and randomized groups of participants. These surveys suggest that the participants’ wellbeing was higher after the application. We attribute this to the harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field, which we refer to as the energy flow of life, traditionally also called chi (or qi) and prana. This has not been confirmed by independent studies. The content of the TimeWaver Frequency databases is based on the practical experience of the experts who created them. They have not been confirmed by independent studies. The analysis and harmonization in the Information Field is not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any disease or medical condition. It is intended to give the professional user the option, in a holistic context, to derive helpful information from findings from the Information Field. Each professional user should evaluate, based on their own experience, whether the application is useful in their practice. The Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) and Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) programs of the TimeWaver Frequency system are not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The terms used in the programs, databases and modules do not constitute statements concerning their effects. Information from the TimeWaver system should always be critically questioned and, if necessary, verified with further procedures. The TimeWaver Frequency system should always be used within the scope of the user’s professional practice, license or certification and in accordance with the Instructions for Use and company-provided manual. The use of the TimeWaver Frequency system should not be treated as a substitute for a physician’s advice, diagnosis or choice of therapy. The responsibility for the correct diagnosis and therapy always lies with the medical professional. The purpose of the product is to provide the professional user with a tool to explore application options.