Ładowanie Wydarzenia

The Self-Confident Me

Alexander Diehl

April 24, 2024
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm CEST

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TimeWaver Pro, TimeWaver Frequency
User Webinar


Free admission

What to expect in this webinar:

Start your new life with more confidence and well-being. In this webinar, Alexander Diehl will show you how the TimeWaver systems can support you in achieving your feel-good figure.

Emotional blockages most often prevent us from changing our lifestyle and realizing our goals. Especially when it comes to our physical wellbeing, negative beliefs and unconscious thought patterns tend to impede successful weight loss in order to accept ourselves and develop a healthy self-esteem.

The TimeWaver systems open up many opportunities to achieve holistic wellbeing and vitality in your everyday life. Find out how you can dissolve emotional blockages and negative beliefs to increase your self-confidence and feel completely at ease.

Webinar Contents:

  • Increasing self-confidence through TimeWaver systems
  • Transforming negative beliefs and thought patterns
  • Dissolving emotional blockages for successful weight loss
  • Q&A

Alexander Diehl

Alexander Diehl is a certified health manager and has been the contact person for everything to do with health, fitness and rehabilitation at TimeWaver since 2018. Due to his many years of experience in personal health coaching, he knows how to integrate Frequency Application into the users’ everyday life, pointing them in the right direction with his valuable hints and tips.

Save your seat now without obligation. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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